How much to move in?

We hear it everyday, so we decided to add this page to help you decide which direction to go, based upon how much money you have now.

If you only have $200 – $300, then we have weekly efficiences, furnished, utilities included, plus Cable and WiFi (click  below on one you like):

  1. Wonderland Efficiences, starting at $200/week, pets allowed – call Lidia 239 672-5525
  2. Sunny Court, starting at $200/week – no pets – call Annie 239 995-4533

If you have $400 – $500, we have 1, 2, and 3 bedroom mobile homes, some furnished, where all utilities are included, including Cable and WiFi, and they are paid weekly, $200 – $250 per week. You must pay the first week, and 1 week security deposit up front:

  1. Tropical Palms and Sunny Court Mobile Home Parks – call Annie 239-995-4533 

On all other rentals, including mobile homes, apartments, and houses, they are NOT furnished. You will need to pay for your utilties, and the electric deposits are running $250 – $350, and cable and WiFi are running $100. Then you will have to pay First Month’s Rent, a Security Deposit (the same as the monthly rent), and the Last Month’s rent (which in certain cases, if you have strong credit and job history, we will work out over 4 – 5 months.)

On a typical 2 bedroom mobile home rental of $650/month, this is what you will probably need to move in:

  1. $250 – Electric deposit
  2. $100 – Cable and WiFi
  3. $650 – First month rent
  4. $650 – Security deposit
  5.       0 – Last month added to first 5 months. $130 month
  6. with strong credit


$1,650 Total needed

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